Bumi Langit Farm is an open facility for the public/ communities to see and learn together the mutually beneficial relationship between human and his environment according to the human’s responsibility as khalifah (custodian) to safe guard and manage the environment based on the Sunnatullah concept of sustainability.

The activities in Bumi Langit Farm are managed by Bumi Langit Trust Foundation, an Islamic awqaf foundation established in May 2014 with the objective to help establish civil society through training and education, awqaf, zakah, infaq and shodaqoh collection in relation to the development of a Sunnatullah living.

Permaculture is a holistic approach to life, and the education activities in Bumi Langit cover a very wide range.
Activities we have developed this far have benefitted everyone from children to their grandparents’ generation.

Permaculture Courses:
• Field Facilities, from Kindergarten to University
• Apprenticeships
• Cooking Courses
• Events

Bumi Langit has worked together with many formal and non-formal institutions, some of which are:

Center for World Trade, Gajah Mada University
Department of Architecture,Gajah Mada
Architecture Faculty of Indonesia Islamic University
Architecture Faculty of Duta Wacana University
Yogyakarta Montesorri School
Public Schools around Imogiri
Mekar Insani Foundation
Al Khairat Foundation
Budi Mulya II Foundation
Ocean of Life
Slow Food Yogyakarta
Center for Environmental Studies
Praying groups from Imogiri sub-district

We generally charge for visits and studies undertaken by these institutions. Fees are used to support operational activities in Bumi Langit. We also use them to support groups and institutions that lack financial resources.